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Case Studies


American Target Advertising

Revolve partnered with ATA to preserve the personal archives of direct mail pioneer Richard A. Vigeurie. He has appeared in thousands of articles and op-eds and made countless television appearances .


Over the course of approximately five years, RDA digitized thousands of articles, videos and photos and created an online index to easily organize and locate items of interest.


NASA Langley

The old NASA Langley library building was being torn down to make way for a new modern facility. Inside and taking up space, was a large room full of 16 and 35mm film reels dating from as far back as the late 1930's. 


RDA was selected to help digitize the valuable footage.  We arranged pickup and began digitizing and cataloging the films. As transfers finished, we uploaded them securely for review. In total, several thousand reels of film were preserved.



One of Virginia's premier museums needed some assistance. They had a collection of Native American music on very early acetate records.


Utilizing a a vintage needle and phonograph, RDA was able to preserve and digitize the historic sounds. Additionally, we assisted VMFA in the preservation of vintage exhibit video and museum films - all digitized from pre-VHS video tapes.


River Road Church

River Road Church had been recording their services and sermons on audio cassettes for decades. Before that, they were using old reel to reel tape. They switched their recording process to digital - and suddenly found themselves with boxes of audio tapes.


Over a several year period, RDA worked directly with River Road to digitize and create CD discs of over 30 years of recordings. Classic sermons and timeless church services were preserved digitally to be enjoyed by future congregations and families.

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